Buying a home is an exciting time in your life.  Once that initial decision is made – then it is time to take action.  But what action? How do I get started? What are my steps? Can I afford a the home I want? What do I want in a home?

So many questions begin to enter the equation. Don’t worry, I am here to help! I will walk you through the process and ensure that you get the best home buying experience.  Ready to find out more – Read on!

Getting Started

I often get asked what is the first step in the home buying process.  Well, it is the pre-approval for the mortgage. I strongly suggest this as the starting point, since you do not want to look at houses that are above the price range that you can receive a mortgage for, that will only set you up for disappointment.

For more information on getting started on your home buying journey – check this out! 

Ready for more than just a list – watch these educational videos!

I am approved - now what?

So you have gotten your pre-approval.  Now what do you do?

The first step is finding out what your needs and wants are in the home buying process.  I suggest talking to everyone in the home to determine what will be your priorities. Although everyone would love to get all the items they want, often, there needs to be some compromises. Determining up front what is most important to you, will help you be more successful in the long run.

For more information about this step of the home buying process, check this out!

Finally - I can look at houses!

Thank goodness!  You are now ready to look at houses! This is the fun part of the journey. You did all the work ahead of time to ensure that this step will be successful.  You are pre-approved, you know what you want and need in a home. Now the looking can begin.

Here is a great video that has tips for looking at houses….

I found my HOME!

You have found your home! Now it’s time to get down to business and get that contract accepted.

What in the world is my agent talking about? Due Diligence? Earnest Money Deposit? What??? Help!

This part of the process is where it gets serious. In order to be prepared, check this out!

Ready to close!

FINALLY, you are ready to close on your new home. Closing is just a few days away. So what do you need to know?

First, what can you expect for fees? Well, here is all the information you will need!