So we have found a buyer for your home. Now what happens?  Well, it is time for inspections. An inspection is one of the key times in your transactions, it can make or break the sale. So it is very important to prepare for the inspection.

So first things first – here are some great tips to get you started….

What else can I do to prepare?

So you have checked all the items I mentioned above, now what?  What else can you do to ensure you have the best inspection possible?  Well, my good friends at Home Inspection Carolina have provided me with this helpful sellers checklist.

Here is a Q A on Home Inspections!

Inspections Done! Now the repair request.....

So we have made it through the inspections, now the buyer has provided us with a repair request. Do they seriously think I am going to fix everyone on the inspection report? Are they expecting a brand new home? I don’t have the money to fix all this?

Now, this is just one of the many reasons you hired a professional Realtor to assist you with selling your home.  First, take a breath – then watch these tips…